(OH - September 2022) - Another invaluable resource available to Akronites is Akron SCORE.
Whether you are 'wantrepreneur' with a good idea, starting your own business, or are looking for more prospects, SCORE offers resources, classes, mentor-ships, and networking opportunities that are designed to inspire and connect you with the right people to grow your business.

The mission of Akron SCORE is to stimulate the economies of Medina, Portage, Summit, and Wayne Counties - but have no fear, there are close to 250 chapter worldwide. You can find a chapter near you here.
(Pictured: I had the opportunity to lead an in-person Social Media Presence training for Score Akron and the Women Spirit Network. We covered ways in which branding is important in social media and in-person. Many tips and tricks of content creation shared! )
I first learned about Score in my first entrepreneurial venture, Posh Partners, in which I partnered with local consignment stores to sell their high-end fashion inventory online. Through Score, I met my darling mentor, Connie Tipton, who though it was a good idea, discovered that my business model was actually causing me to lose money. As stated before by Kevin O'Leary (Mr. Wonderful), I promptly took that business out behind the barn and shot it.
Instead, I now focus on my media/promotion business of 'Holiday's Highlights' in which I highlight places, people, and events in the area while providing informative, entertaining, and valuable info to you, my audience.

I gratefully still work with my Score Mentor Connie as we work to build a business that is profitable and well-rounded in the community. When she told me that I 👏 needed 👏 to 👏 go to the Northeast Ohio Women Connect event sponsored by Akron Score at the Kent State Stark Campus, I jumped at the opportunity. ,
So...I bought a booth for $50, brought my microphone and decided to 'highlight' the event.
The 2022 NEO Women Connect was a Networking and informational event held on behalf of Score at the Kent State Stark Campus. Some vendors, but mostly inspiring, driven men and women there to increase their knowledge in business and within the community. Breakout sessions, lunch and a keynote speaker.
(Pictured: Breakout Sessions with Elizabeth Orley, Denise Seachrist, and Brittany Rohner. Keynote Speaker Bridget Weston CEO - Score, and trade show by participants Community Hospice, Damsel in Defense, Danbury Senior Living, First Commonwealth Bank, Isagenix, Julie Holiday Media, KAZ Company, Little Red House Music, NAMI Stark County, Three Rings Midwifery, Undeniable Choices, Vanette Hair, Waymaker Medstaff, Zen Zone Center)
Standouts for the day include Lisa McGuthry - QVC in the CLE and Brittany Rohner - The DREMR Co.
Lisa helped to co-lead in a breakout session that consisted of leading your own business and having the courage to do so while Brittany spoke about being the bread winner of her family and making the tough decision to become an Entrepreneur.

I also got to meet and sit down with Pat Ripple. Pat has spent 20 years with Akron Score. She is a former chair and currently serves as a mentor and a member of the National Advisory of Score.
Check out the excerpt of our interview below!
Pat Ripple has spent 20 years with Akron Score. She is a former chair and currently serves as a mentor and a member of the National Advisory of Score.
I know you will find Akron SCORE to be valuable! Here are the links you need to turn your inspiration into action:
Find a Mentor near you: here
Take a business workshop: here
Get tools to help run your Business: here
Volunteer to help make your dream come true: here
Thanks for reading and good luck,

#neohio #akron #score #akronscore #scoreakron #events #exhibitor #sba #smallbusiness #seo #julieholiday #holidayshighlights #connietipton #networking #tradeshow #kentstate #elizabethorley #deniseseachrist #brittanyrohner #dremrco #marriannesevisky #pathfinder #signatureeventsvenuandcatering #bridgetweston #ceo #slavideo #joannlarsen #communityhospice #damselindefense #danburyseniorliving #firstcommonwealthbank #isagenix #kazcompany #littleredhousemusci #namistark #threeringsmidwifery #undeniablechoices
@elizabethorley @deniseseaschrist @brittanyrohner
This post is not sponsored in any way. The opinions expressed here are those of Julie Holiday.